Terms and conditions of publication
The annual Journal of TransLogistics (ISSN 2450-5870) publishes only original papers written in English or in Polish. English translations of the title, summary and key words are done by the Author after being notified by the Editorial Office on the outcome of the review process and after making the necessary adjustments in accordance with the suggestions of the referees. Acceptance of papers for publication is based on two independent reviews commissioned by the Editor. Publication fee: free of charge.
The submission process continues all the time. The time to the first decision is about 20 days, to the issue - another about 15 days.
Word (docx) file containing the content of the article should be sent to the address:
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Technical requirements
The manuscript should include: name of authors, title, abstract and keywords that should complement the title and abstract (in Polish and in English), the text in Polish and English with a clear division into sections). The manuscript should not be longer than 16 pages.
The Editor reserves the right to abridge and adjust the manuscript. All submissions should be accompanied by a submission form.
Instructions for writing an article.docx
Detailed guidelines for Authors, including evaluation criteria, can be found